

Here you can buy original crochet patterns, learn new techniques, and dip into stories of life in the South of Sweden. Welcome!

I love Brown. Really, I do.

I love Brown. Really, I do.

winter landscape, southern Sweden

Just a week to go until Midwinter, and the light starts to creep back again. It will help. 

It's hard not to get bogged down in darkness and murk at this time of year, isn't it? We live in the very south of Sweden, the agricultural rather than the forest and lake-covered part. It is utterly glorious in the summer, but our winters are damp, grey, and muddy. Occasionally we get snow or a really crisp, blue-sky-and-winter-sun sort of day, but not that often. Definitely not often enough. 

Still, when there's an almost-4.year-old who desperately needs some exercise, we do as the Swedes would: don the waterproofs and woollies, head out there. 

I took my camera too, fully expecting to leave it in the bag for the duration of our walk. There would be no colours to light up my heart and lens. 

But it turns out there's beauty in brown too, if you look hard enough. A little haunting, quite skeletal, very damp. But beautiful. All right on our doorstep, and we even found some treasure to take home. Where my colourful knitting was waiting, as always.

winter landscape, Skåne, southern Sweden
winter landscape, southern Sweden
winter styling | Emmy + LIEN blog


PATTERN: Nordic Pixie Mittens

PATTERN: Nordic Pixie Mittens